Thursday, March 19, 2009

cabane à sucre

March 18
- We had a test in math, and for the first time I felt good about the test. I know I made mistakes, but not that many like I used to have.

March 19
- We went to a cabane à sucre today. It's a place where maple syrup is produced. I did not really relish anything, well except the food. When we arrived, our feet took us into some dance floor. Teenagers were being wild, and it wasn't nice to watch them, seriously. And I also saw someone who was making out with his girlfriend. I hate it when people do that in public. We had to get out, cause it was mephitic in the room, sweat maybe. Eww, I know. We walked around and took pictures. Majed treated us for a tour that cost 2 dollars per person. We were ten so he paid twenty bucks. What a nice guy. It was just a short tour, really short. It was just a waste of money. And after, we saw this dude who looks exactly like my crush in school. Not exactly, but the way he walks, the way he looks, he just reminded me of him. In the bus, Filipinos are the obstreperous ones. We were laughing, talking, eating. Well, we were not supposed to eat in the bus cause it's verboten. So everytime this teacher stands up, we had to hide the food.


Anonymous said...

aww.ate. u guys are really pretty in that photo:)

Anonymous said...

wow. I like the second pic.

Sha said...

Tiz I, too, hates seeing couples making out in public. for me, it doesn't look proper.

jess de mesa said...

i love your new layout! :)

i also hate it when couples publicly display inappropriate affection.

i like your beanie by the way :)