Sunday, December 14, 2008


UGhh, I hate school. Well, just math. Let's say I hate our teacher. Uggghh, why do I have to see him tomorrow morning? Why am I stupid on math? I wasn't supposed to be in duxieme, I was supposed to be in just premier. He's pressuring me. And the way he always pull that scary look. Fuck. We'll have a test on Wednesday, before christmas vacation. I just hope I will pass, even though I don't get a high score, I just need to pass. I hope the test would be easy. He says it's always easy but his tests were not. Good thing on tuesday we have no math. We'll be having a sortie on tuesday, we're gonna go skating. Yayy! It'll be my second time. I hope I wouldn't fall alot like I did on my first time. Well, I had to start out from something right? Haha. I know how to skate a little. But, just a little. I think on monday we have to recite a poem, but I forgot my cahier where I wrote the poem. I just hope he doesn't remember that we have to recite a poem. I also got a certificate cause I made it into the honor's list. Just french though. Hahaha, I wasn't so amused at all cause it's normal, I used to receive such things when I was in high school. But yea, I guess it's good.
Do you know I love Johny Test and dookie? His ugly dog. Haha. Oh well, I can't think of anything to tell, I just wish I do. haha. My life isn't so interesting, I know.

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