Thursday, April 9, 2009


My classmate was bored, saw my teacher's constructions papers and decided to make these stuffs. We don't have classes tomorrow (friday) and monday. Woo! Thank God for holidays. Today was unusual. First off, I got the highest score on the math exam that we had. Yes, I am proud. That was the first time. Haha. Second, I forgot to bring my house keys. So I had to wait for my father to get home. I waited for almost two hours. And oh, in school, we had a spectacle, cause it's french week this week. It was so vapid.

My friend has asked me to go to downtown with our friends tomorrow. Don't feel like it though.


Anonymous said...

those are cute. :) congrats for getting the highest score.

Kris said...

wow! colorful little boats! nice and cute :) do you also know how to make stars? :)
I also waited for two hours for my mom to get home. I don't have extra house keys but now I have :) no more waiting..haha

Althea said...

I love paperboats :)
the photo is one of the bestssss :0
lovvve it :D

Arvin said...

Wow, it's a good photo. :)

Jhoice said...

Hi sis
Happy holidays,
those are cute paper boats,
good shot,
I used to make boAts like dat
back in childhood, but Now I don't
think I stiLL rem3mber how to do them=D

Reagan D said...

ei, great stuff here. keep it up! ^_^